Saturday, 23 November 2019


Demand creation for #AYFHS through community mobilization. Our #PEPFAR supported project facilitates community-based engagements by young people aimed at promoting access and uptake of SHRH & HIV services at health facilities. 
The trained peer educator facilitate these discussions with their peers in the community. These discussions are guided by data collected from the health center on various SRH & HIV related issues and forms the basis for such discussions. 
On the other hand, meetings are held with community leaders and parents to ensure they play their role effectively and ensure that young people are supported to access services from the facility. It is envisaged  that there will be a reduction in the spread of new HIV infections, Unplanned pregnancies, STI's etc.   

Adolescents & young people attending a SRHR session 

Discussion on barriers affecting access and uptake of AYFHS 

A young person with an advocacy message 

A session on correct & consistent use of condoms 

Discussing parents role in supporting AYFHS

Discussing the role of community leaders

Mapping out strategies

Friday, 15 November 2019

Clinic Community Collaboration- C3 Adolescent Pilot 2018- 2019

After having implemented the Clinic CBO Collaboration successfully, KCIA and its two partners Health enters were once again invited by Paediatric Adolescent Treatment Africa (PATA) and the Positive Action for Children Fund to participate in a pilot this time around focusing on adolescents.
Its been one year since  a team comprising Health workers and volunteers from Shifwankula Health Post under Chibombo District Health Post and Chazanga Health center under Lusaka District Health Office worked together.
The objective of the project was "To improve access to and uptake of SRH and HIV services among 120 pregnant adolescents at Chazanga and Shifwankula clinic aged 15-20 by the October 2019"
The team implemented various activities as planned in the quality improvement plan. Some of the key highlights include:
a) Undertaking SRH-HIV sessions with pregnant HIV positive & negative adolescents
b) Fast tracking them during antenatal visits at the facility
c) Ensuring referrals for intensive counselling for those with high viral loads
d) Enrollment in the support group for the HIV positive pregnant adolescents

a) Engagement meetings with district focal point persons from both Chibombo and Lusaka DHO
b) Monthly data review meetings which were hosted by all team members on a rotation basis
c) Development and operationalisation of the communication strategy
d) Exchange visits for team members

All activities have been implemented successfully
Engagement meeting with the acting Adolescent focal point person for Lusaka District 

Exchange visit by KCIA, Chazanga clinic to Shifwankula Health post in Chibombo district 

KCIA Sharing the C3 model with stakeholders during at a sub district stakeholders meeting 

Exchange visit to Chazanga Health center by Shifwankula Health Post & KCIA

Project team monthly review & planning meeting at KCIA 

Project team Monthly review meeting at Shifwankula health post 

A pose with some of the breast feeding young moms who delivered after going through sessions 

KCIA-CHAZANG-SHIFWANKULA team presentation during the midterm review meeting in Lusaka

2nd presentation during the mid term review meeting in Lusaka