Friday, 11 December 2015

KCIA Attends PEPfar Zambia champions award ceremony

Kabangwe Creative Initiative Association celebrated Human rights day on Thursday, 10th December 2015 by attending an award ceremony hosted by The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR at Pamodzi hotel. Among the distinguished guests present was the United States ambassador to Zambia Eric Shultz and minister of youth and sport Vincent Mwale. In his speech, Vincent Mwale spoke briefly about the national aids strategic framework and the gender equity bill adding that the bill would give power to women to decide reproductive life.

The purpose of the PEPFAR Zambia champion’s award ceremony was to honour seven individuals that PEPFAR recognized as champions from various communities fighting against Hiv/aids.

Among the seven champions were Francis Silufumbwe who is a 16 year old activist and has been fighting against Hiv/aids since he was 10 and Esther kayombo who is passionate about discussing Hiv/aids issues in the church because of the stigma and discrimination she faced.

Sandra Mulendema- KCIA- with doctor Manasseh Phiri

Sandra Mulendema-and-Sharon Chanda from KCIA- with pepfar champion

Sandra Mulendema-with-pepfar-champion-memory-phiri

Sandra-and-Sharon-with-pepfar champion-esther-banda

Sharon Chanda-with-Vincent Mwale

PEPFAR champions

Friday, 30 October 2015


Paediatric AIDS Treatment for Africa (PATA) and Positive Action Children Fund have launched the Clinic-Community Based Organization Collaboration (C3) Programme. C3 Programme is aiming at promoting, facilitating and strengthening collaboration between paediatric HIV clinics and community-based organisations (CBOs) for improved access to high-quality holistic care for HIV-infected children, their families and communities. 
The C3 will harness the collective and unique strengths of these two parallel networks and create opportunity for joint collaboration, co-ordination and co-operation in forwarding collective community health initiatives.
KCIA is collaborating with Chazanga clinic iunder this unique initiative. The programme brings PACF-supported Community Based Organisations and their identified clinics/health facilities  together into one multidisciplinary team to initiate a series of clinic-CBO partnerships and joint activities aimed at improving access to high-quality holistic community health with a focus on the common goals of  effectively addressing PMTCT, paediatric HIV care and maternal and child health.
The Partner Initiation Forum (PIF)  in Zambia was held from 27-28th October 2015 in Lusaka. 


On the 29th of October 2015, Heleen and Lebo from PATA took time to visit KCIA and its partner clinic Chazanga. They interacted with staff and volunteers just to appreciate the health care services which are provided by the clinic as well as to understand the collaboration between the two stakeholders. "I can't believe that you see these numbers of patients daily" said Heleen who is C3 Program Manager Southern Africa region. The team later took time to interact with KCIA staff to also get an understanding of the organizations programming, structure as well as general operations. This interaction will surely enhance the collaboration between KCIA, PATA and Chazanga clinic. Thank you Team PATA for the visit and we hope to see you again... 

Monday, 5 October 2015


KCIA in partnership with PATA, One to One Childrens Fund, and DFID are implementing the Expert Patient Programme. It aims at improving access to, and quality of, antiretroviral treatment for HIV positive children, adolescents and their families in Zambia (funded by the UK government through DFID)  
The overall programme contributes to reducing HIV prevalence in children and adolescents by improving the quality of care and treatment delivered to HIV+ children, adolescents in Zambia and Zimbabwe. KCIA has partnered with Chazanga and Shifwankula clinics through securing the services of Expert Patients assisting in clinics and linking to communities.
Recently a training was conducted in Lusaka, Zambia from 28th -29th September 2015 for women and men in selected PATA affiliated clinics on basic HIV care to become Expert Patients

This training was aimed at broadening the services offered to HIV+ children, adolescents and their caregivers. Below are some Photos taken during the training  

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Community awareness is key in the fight against HIV. KCIA is working closely with Chazanga and Shifwankula clinics being the primary providers of PMTCT services to the general community of Kabangwe. As per community mapping findings, the HIV-AIDS pevailance in the area is quite high and as a result, KCIA with its partner clinics embarked on coordinated community awareness sessions coupled with counseling and Testing most especially among the reproductive age group. The project which is funded by ViiV Healthcare's Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF UK), also makes referrals for pregnant mother for early antenatal in order to through PMTCT with their partners. The aims to contribute to the reduction in the transmission of  new HIV infections especially from mother to child.
The project is working closely with PLHIV in order to increase usage of family planning services to prevent unintended pregnancies as well as conducting community follow-ups on mother infant pairs defaulting on ART so that they are brought back into HIV care and support.
Below are some photos of community awareness sessions conducted by the focal point persons or peer educators during the first quarter of 2015

For more of these visit our facebook page
or follow us on twitter

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


SAT Zambia convenes an annual partners meeting for partners and key stakeholders. This year's event has been special in that key strategic partners were invited including the District Commissioners, District AIDS Coordinating Advisors (DACAs), District Medical Officers and some partner clinics.
Interesting to note was the award presentation to SAT Zambia partners and the health facilities that have been outstanding in promoting collaboration and service provision
The event was opened by the permanent secretary Ministry of Health.  Representatives from the Ministry of community Development Mother and Child Health, National AIDS Counsel, PPAZ were in attendance and made presentations.
SAT Zambia launched its strategy that has been aligned the revised NASF 2015-17.