Tuesday, 26 November 2013


In our quest to promote male involvement in P.M.T.C.T among the local community of Kabangwe, our organization had earlier this year engaged 2 headmen and 1 Head woman to chart the way forward. When the traditional leadership were involved through community mobilization as well as  taking part in group discussions and community debates, the number of males attending our education sessions increased by more than 40%. Besides the headmen the project also involved two indunas who also took part in the sessions. This move led to the increase in the number of males attending antenatal clinics and going through P.M.T.C.T which at baseline was at around 2 males a day to 6 at the end of September 2013. As a result of this, our partner clinic was awarded as an upcoming clinic in promoting male involving at the recently held neighborhood health committee AGM recently held for Lusaka District

Saturday, 23 November 2013

PROMOTING ACCESS AND UPTAKE OF PMTCT & ART among Young Couples in Kabangwe

With support from the ViiV Healthcare Positive Action for Children Fund UK, KCIA has managed to reach out to over 1,800 young couples since August 2011 with sexual reproductive health information aimed at creating demand for PMTCT services. This project is promoting male involvement in P.M.T.CT, V.C.T through information sessions and referrals to Chazanga Health center. On the other hand, the project is using follow-ups to prevent loss to follow-ups to mother and infant pair who are in ART.
Access and uptake of PMTCT and ART services among the reproductive age group still remains a challenge but with concerted effort, results will be achieved as we count down to the elimination of mother to child transmission and keeping their mothers alive.
The project is working closely with traditional leaders who are promoting male involvement by encouraging males to accompany their wives to access the services. The project is currently working with 2 Headmen and 1 Headman within Kabangwe area. For more photos and photos visit this link

Monday, 18 November 2013

PATA FORUM Lusaka, Zambia

Pediatric Treatment for AIDS in Africa hosted a two day forum for PACF Lusaka based partners to share challenges being faced in PMTCT. The forum was attended by a number of NGOs, CBOs and Health centers which have partnered with PACF supported organizations in Lusaka, Zambia from 1-2 October 2013 View photos.https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/1382833_529855457089372_397717523_n.jpg

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Seven African countries cut child HIV infections by half

LONDON | Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:17am EDT
(Reuters) - Seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the world's worst-hit region in the global AIDS epidemic, have cut the number of new HIV infections in children by 50 percent since 2009, the United Nations AIDS program said on Tuesday.
The dramatic reductions - in Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia - mean tens of thousands more babies are now being born free of HIV, UNAIDS said in a report on its Global Plan to tackle the disease in around 20 of the worst affected countries.
Overall, across 21 priority countries in Africa, there were 130,000 fewer new HIV infections among children in 2012 - a drop of 38 percent since 2009 - mostly due to increased drug treatment of pregnant women with the virus.
"The progress in the majority of countries is a strong signal that with focused efforts every child can be born free from HIV," said Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS' executive director.
"But progress has stalled in some countries with high numbers of new HIV infections. We need to find out why and remove the bottlenecks which are preventing scale-up."
Among places causing concern, UNAIDS said, are Angola and Nigeria, where new infections in children have increased and remained unchanged respectively since 2009.
Nigeria has the largest number of children acquiring HIV in the region, with nearly 60,000 new infections in 2012.
And for those children who do become infected, access to AIDS drugs that can keep their disease in check is "unacceptably low", UNAIDS said, with only 3 in 10 children getting the AIDS medicines they need in most priority countries.
The report said much of the reduction in new HIV cases in children was thanks to more use of AIDS drug treatment for HIV-positive pregnant women. Coverage rates were above 75 percent in many of the priority countries, it said.
AIDS medicines known as antiretroviral therapy not only improve the health of mothers with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS, but can also prevent HIV from being transmitted to their children.
Botswana and South Africa have reduced mother to child HIV transmission rates to 5 percent or less, according to UNAIDS.
Eric Goosby, global AIDS coordinator for the United States government, called on the international community to "continue working together to see the day when no children are born with HIV, which is within our reach".

(Editing by Alison Williams)

Monday, 24 June 2013

SRH community outreach sessions in Kabangwe

In our quest to create demand for P.M.T.C.T services among the young couples in Kabangwe and Chazanga, the K.C.I.A is implementing a Sexual Reproductive Health project which aims at sharing S.R.H information among the target group (young couples). We are networking with the Lusaka District Health Office through Chazanga health center who are the service providers. So far the project is going on quite well. Have a look at some of the photos

For more photos please visit this link

Tuesday, 8 January 2013